Quality of Education
The Quality of Education is Good, students work hard to achieve high levels of success. This is reflected in our consistently strong outcomes at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 which was reflected in 2022 results at A Level we were in the top 10% schools nationally and above average at Key Stage 4 for student progress.
The Ofsted inspection team acknowledged that over the past two years since the appointment of the new Principal, leaders have put in place an ambitious, well-organised curriculum. All students, including those in the Sixth Form, have plenty of opportunities to study a wide range of subjects. Leaders have taken steps to enable more students to study the subjects within the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). Teachers know their subjects and how to teach them well, including the accurate use of technical vocabulary in each subject. All students, including those in the Sixth Form, use these words fluently. Teachers provide students opportunities to review what they have been taught and this helps students remember the knowledge in the long term.
Teachers teach students the importance of reading and encourage students to read widely and often and students enjoy reading. Leaders have improved the way staff support students who find reading hard and have fallen behind. These students improve their reading and catch up. Leaders quickly identify the needs of students with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). Leaders provide precise guidance for teachers to help these students learn effectively. Teachers give students with SEND the support they need to overcome the challenges they face and learn the curriculum well.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form provision is good. This was reflected in our strong outcomes in 2022 results at A Level when we were in the top 10% of schools. Our outcomes on all measures including technical, vocational and academic qualifications are consistently above average. More students from Thorpe St Andrew School and Sixth Form get places at their first choice of universities than other students nationally. Students achieve well in the school’s high quality Sixth Form provision. Staff and students live up to leaders’ high expectations. Students complete their programmes of study and are well prepared for their next steps in employment, education or training. Students appreciate the team ethos in the Sixth Form and readily take positions of responsibility within the school community.
Leadership and Management
We were pleased to note that the Inspection team acknowledged two years ago when the new Principal was appointed that the leaders and trustees introduced a large programme of change to address declining standards at the school. Leaders have established a friendly atmosphere around the school which students enjoy and value. Students know learning is important and want to do well in their studies and usually work hard to achieve high levels of success within the school. This was reflected in our strong outcomes in 2022 results at A Level when we were in the top 10% schools Nationally and above average at Key Stage 4 for student progress. Leaders quickly identify the needs of students with SEND and/or disabilities and provide precise guidance for teachers to help these students learn effectively. Over the last two years leaders have put in place an ambitious and well organised curriculum to support learning for all. Leaders have ensured that students are safe and feel safe at school and all staff, governors and trustees are well trained to carry out their safeguarding duties. Leaders are prioritising students’ personal development but these actions are recent and are not yet making the desired changes in students’ choices.
Behaviour and Attitudes
We have been aware that post-COVID some of Thorpe St Andrew School and Sixth Form’s students had not adopted the positive social behaviours that traditionally we would expect them to exhibit and had been working on improving behaviour prior to the Ofsted inspection, making some tangible progress. Whilst highlighting areas to develop regarding a minority of student behaviour, the report does recognise that, “...many students learn and behave well in lessons…”. It also highlights positives that we have been building on, noting that, “Students enjoy and value the friendly atmosphere around the school.” Support for students with difficulties is also highlighted, “If students feel worried about any aspects of their lives they know that the school’s behaviour support, along with other staff, are willing and able to help.”
Personal Development
The Ofsted report identifies that, “Over the last two years, leaders have put in place an ambitious, well-organised [academic] curriculum.” The pastoral curriculum was evaluated also, and the report notes that, “…provision for students’ personal development is developing…” highlighting our varied activities including Pride month. However, the report is clear that despite that work on guiding the positive personal development of Thorpe St Andrews School and Sixth Form students, at the time of the inspection our efforts were not yet sufficiently influencing the culture of the school as well as we would like.
Supporting Documents