Our teaching is based upon 6 areas of pedagogy and is focused around a repeatable and clear teaching and learning cycle - which focuses on Direct Instruction. These are known as the Teaching and Learning Fundamentals. These were research based and developed work from Rosenshine, Tom Sherrington and others.
Our T&L Cycle is a practical framework for effective teaching and learning, built on evidence-based strategies. It provides teachers and students with a structured approach to design lessons, support student engagement, and ensure the mastery of key knowledge and skills.
The teacher, as the expert, clearly explains any processes to students and models the process that students will need to undertake.
Collaboration: The teacher and students share responsibility for the task, pooling ideas and strategies to build understanding.
Students put into practice the skills and knowledge they have acquired in tasks that match the endpoints of our curriculum:
Formative assessment is the practice of using evidence about student learning to make adjustments in teaching and learning that improve educational outcomes. Dylan Wiliam emphasizes that formative assessment is not a single event or tool but a continuous process that involves teachers and students working together to understand learning progress and address gaps.
Key Principles of Formative Assessment:
Research shows us that Literacy is a vital strategy in improving outcomes for every young person that is part of our school community. The Education Endowment Foundation research shows that “Young people who leave school without good literacy skills are held back at every stage of life. Their outcomes are poorer on almost every measure, from health and wellbeing, to employment and finance.”
Across the school we focus on improving the literacy of all our students. We all see the huge benefits that this has on our students, in every aspect of their life and we hope that you are already seeing the benefit at home.
For more information and detail on our literacy strategies please visit the Literacy matters page on our website.